
Showing posts from August, 2018


Diligence means careful and persistent work or effort. Everyone wants to be diligent for their dreams, try to be "persistent" with their efforts, but lose hope the minute someone criticizes them for thinking big. The truth is that in every phase of life, we will find people who will tell us that our dreams are impractical. They would tell us to stop aiming for the stars, to come back to the ground and face the reality. Some would even tell us how our "unrealistic expectations" from life will make us suffer. Most of us would even give in to the criticism and give up our dreams. But it takes extreme diligence and utmost confidence in oneself to hold on tightly to those dreams when everyone suggests to let go. There's nothing in this world that you can't achieve if you truly believe in yourself. Yes, sometimes things will not end up how you expect. Sometimes they will end up exactly the way you expect, and sometimes you won't even be ready to se