
“The right attitude & one arm will beat the wrong attitude & two arms every time.” - David Schwartz

The above statement is true in every facet of life. When I began college, I had to travel 50 minutes back & forth each day. I got so tired of my monotonous schedule that I ended up cursing my life every chance I got. “This course is so boring” , “it’s too hot!” , “it’s too cold!” , “I hate my life” were some of the many pessimistic thoughts that used to occur to me everyday. I left all extracurricular activities because I was “too tired” all the time. So of course I had failed as a student, scoring grades lower than ever & never willing to attend lectures. My mother got so frustrated that one day she challenged me to not speak anything negative about my life, no matter what. The schedule was same, but to my surprise I realized that I was unexpectedly happier with myself by the end of the day. So I decided to continue this behavior for a few more days, and I didn’t even realize when I stopped speaking anything negative at  all. Today, as I’m about to begin my final year at college, I’ve never been more proud of myself & the things that I’m doing. I realized that day that a small change in my perspective caused a huge difference in my life.

Failure & success are experiences that everybody has been through over time. Disappointments, achievements, setbacks & blessings are all part & parcel of life. But when everyone is facing them in some way, why is it that only a few are able to get over it?
Observe people around you carefully. You will realize that the only difference between people going places & the people who can barely hold their own place is perspective. The former is ready to accept every challenge as it comes, whereas the latter has a bucket full of excuses to explain why s/he can’t do the needful. When we tell ourselves that we cannot do it, we attract more & more excuses to convince ourselves why we cannot. However, when we tell ourselves how we have all resources available to do a task, our minds create even better ways to get it done. Instead of underestimating ourselves, if we spend time thinking about how we can use what we have in a better way, we can make wonders happen in our life!

Trust me, it feels great to watch yourself grow as a person and nothing in life gives you more satisfaction other than knowing that you’re on the path of modifying yourself into a better person. The only key to all this is your perspective.

By changing your perspective, you can change all your experiences. You hold the ability in you to change your life with a simple shift of perspective.
