

“The right attitude & one arm will beat the wrong attitude & two arms every time.” - David Schwartz The above statement is true in every facet of life. When I began college, I had to travel 50 minutes back & forth each day. I got so tired of my monotonous schedule that I ended up cursing my life every chance I got. “This course is so boring” , “it’s too hot!” , “it’s too cold!” , “I hate my life” were some of the many pessimistic thoughts that used to occur to me everyday. I left all extracurricular activities because I was “too tired” all the time. So of course I had failed as a student, scoring grades lower than ever & never willing to attend lectures. My mother got so frustrated that one day she challenged me to not speak anything negative about my life, no matter what. The schedule was same, but to my surprise I realized that I was unexpectedly happier with myself by the end of the day. So I decided to continue this behavior for a few more days, and I didn’t

Self Love.

Self love isn’t about how you choose to pamper yourself, it is about what the outcome is. As long as it does not make you feel happy or satisfied with yourself, it is not self love. Self love does not mean that you need to isolate yourself from everyone, it means that it is okay to take some time to yourself once in a while. Self love does not mean you have to get manicures done, sometimes it just means gathering the strength to get out of bed in the morning to study or to go to work. Self love isn’t always about how many hours you grind at the gym or how many calories you didn’t consume, sometimes it is just about how you did not cry yourself to sleep or how you finished the tasks you’ve been putting off for so long. Spending some time by yourself is good for you as you learn more about yourself as a person. But if you spend all of your alone time binge watching movies and eating tons of unhealthy food, it is not self love. It’s self destruction. These days, pe


Diligence means careful and persistent work or effort. Everyone wants to be diligent for their dreams, try to be "persistent" with their efforts, but lose hope the minute someone criticizes them for thinking big. The truth is that in every phase of life, we will find people who will tell us that our dreams are impractical. They would tell us to stop aiming for the stars, to come back to the ground and face the reality. Some would even tell us how our "unrealistic expectations" from life will make us suffer. Most of us would even give in to the criticism and give up our dreams. But it takes extreme diligence and utmost confidence in oneself to hold on tightly to those dreams when everyone suggests to let go. There's nothing in this world that you can't achieve if you truly believe in yourself. Yes, sometimes things will not end up how you expect. Sometimes they will end up exactly the way you expect, and sometimes you won't even be ready to se


At the end of the day, be proud of yourself, because you made yourself come through situations you thought you would die in. Be proud of yourself that you hold the courage to move on with your life despite of being pulled down at every step. Be proud of yourself for not letting failures get to you, and be proud of yourself for giving your best to everything you do. Don’t forget how many times you’ve picked yourself off the floor, washed yourself and put yourself to sleep. Don’t forget how many times you’ve said no to unhealthy things, treated yourself with kindness, and tended to your wounds. You’ve made peace with your disturbed emotions more times than you can count, and if you can take care of yourself even when you were totally devastated, there’s nothing you cannot do. Whether it’s letting certain people into our lives, or whether it’s taking bad decisions about our career, all of us have done things in our lives that we deeply regret. All of us end up hurting peo


You can handle more than you think. You were built to save yourself, and you deserve more than you can even begin to imagine. We all have flaws. We are all trying to figure out what self-love means to us, and that’s okay. Just remember, you don’t deserve what you’re going through. You didn’t bring it on yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong.  Everyone has days in their lives when all they want to do is leave everything and run away, when they're looking for that one shoulder to cry on, that one hug to break into, that one shred of hope to hold onto. Everyone has a person in their lives whom they loved wildly, with all of their hearts, who left them shattered, who left them broken. And it’s okay to cry about it. It’s okay to isolate yourself for a while. But whatever you do, please don’t tell yourself you’re unworthy of love. I know it is hard, but you need to hold on to that last tiny little shred of hope as tightly as possible.  Sometimes in life, things h


“Was it all my fault?”  “Maybe I shouldn’t have made it such a big deal!”  “Look at yourself! Who would even fall for that face? It’s a miracle he stayed that long!” “I would give up anything to get things back to the way they were!” Ghosted memories of people who were once your favourite haunt you every day. The harder you try every morning to feel happy and start afresh, the more these ghosts of past terrify you. But the biggest question that haunts you is “Will this ever get over? Will I ever heal?” Well, healing takes time. You cannot expect your soul to heal from something you had for months in just a few days. But that also doesn’t mean that it’s never going to happen. It takes time, but it happens.  The truth is, we’ve all made terrible mistakes, done things that no apology can heal. Sometimes you’re the one to hurt others, other times you’re on the receiving end of it. But you just have to keep going. You have to try to find some new happiness, something ne


There are very few people in your life who will tell you the things you need to hear, rather than the things you want to hear, no matter what the consequences are. Recognise these people early and always keep them close. Not everyone in this world is lucky enough to find a friend who stands by them through all the thick and thin. People spend their entire lifetimes spending all of their energy and efforts on someone who couldn't care less about them. So if you have a friend who has supported you through all of your emotional drama and mood swings, take some time out and thank them today. You have these special people in your life who make you smile bigger and laugh a little louder. So don't ever let them go, because these are the people who will keep you sane, brave, humble and happy, always. These people love you unconditionally and give you all they have, not because they want something in return, but because they think you’re worthy of it all. So don’t ever let them do