
“Was it all my fault?” 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have made it such a big deal!” 
“Look at yourself! Who would even fall for that face? It’s a miracle he stayed that long!” “I would give up anything to get things back to the way they were!”

Ghosted memories of people who were once your favourite haunt you every day. The harder you try every morning to feel happy and start afresh, the more these ghosts of past terrify you. But the biggest question that haunts you is “Will this ever get over? Will I ever heal?” Well, healing takes time. You cannot expect your soul to heal from something you had for months in just a few days. But that also doesn’t mean that it’s never going to happen. It takes time, but it happens. 

The truth is, we’ve all made terrible mistakes, done things that no apology can heal. Sometimes you’re the one to hurt others, other times you’re on the receiving end of it. But you just have to keep going. You have to try to find some new happiness, something new to look forward to every morning, no matter how much you’ve lost. 

Take one step each day. Today, you spent the whole day in your bed blasting sad songs whilst crying to yourself? Try taking out some time to watch your favourite movie tomorrow. Try reading a good book the day after. Try visiting your best friend after a week. It doesn’t matter how big a step you take. Slow progress is still progress. Heal slowly, step by step, emotion by emotion. But don’t let your sadness turn into self-doubt. Hold on, you are still wanted & needed. 

Just remember, no matter what, life goes on. You’ll find happiness again. The misery will go away. YOU WILL HEAL. 

Be determined to live this life to the fullest, see the world, and enjoy your life. Take on the world, you have it in you. Because no matter how much weird, messy, complicated or sad it gets, it’s your life. A wonderful, amazing, and above all, an epic life.
