
There are very few people in your life who will tell you the things you need to hear, rather than the things you want to hear, no matter what the consequences are. Recognise these people early and always keep them close. Not everyone in this world is lucky enough to find a friend who stands by them through all the thick and thin. People spend their entire lifetimes spending all of their energy and efforts on someone who couldn't care less about them. So if you have a friend who has supported you through all of your emotional drama and mood swings, take some time out and thank them today.

You have these special people in your life who make you smile bigger and laugh a little louder. So don't ever let them go, because these are the people who will keep you sane, brave, humble and happy, always. These people love you unconditionally and give you all they have, not because they want something in return, but because they think you’re worthy of it all. So don’t ever let them down, because these are the people who give you a reason to live. They don’t give up on you even when you give up on yourself. They give you hope, like the bright light shining at the end of the tunnel that makes you believe everything will soon be alright. They’ve seen you at your worst and yet decide to stay. They’ve taught you how to put yourself first, how to be happy first. These are the people who would never stop choosing you no matter what. 

The best parts of your life will always be those small, nameless moments you spent with these people. The moments that were so happy and precious that while you were enjoying them, all you could think was that you wouldn't have made it without them next to you.

Take a little time out of your busy schedule today, and call them up to say that you love them, and that they're the most precious people you have ever come across. After all, they’re the reason that even after all the horrible experiences, you have your life together. Because every time you look at them, it feels like home. They make you happy and they make you want to be alive.
