
If you want to lead a happy life, you need to change your mind set before everything else. So when I say “you attract what you think”, believe me. The people who are truly happy believe that they are happy. They make sure that even if they have a few moments of sadness, they don’t let it overtake their entire day. Believe me or not, most of your life is a result of your thoughts. If you believe you’re happy, the way you look at situations would change. You’ll handle everything with more presence of mind.

I understand that you have been through something bad and you don’t even feel like waking up in the morning. I understand that you feel terrible about the fact that your happiness never lasts long. I know you're afraid that if you let yourself happy for even one moment, the whole world would come crashing down on you, and you're afraid you might not be able to survive that. I’ve been through the same, believe me. But have you noticed something? That even after so much has happened, you’re still here. Even if you’re struggling to breathe every single day, you’re still here.

You’re not alone in this struggle. Every single person out there is fighting a battle you have no idea about. But some of us are doing fine because we tend to hold on to the positivity and hope inside of us. Easier said than done, but it’s not impossible. If ten bad things happened to you today, hold on to the two good things that happened as well, even if they’re as small as getting to work on time or having a small laugh with one of your friends.

Nothing in this world comes easy, not even happiness. Nobody is going to serve it to you on a platter. You need to look for it within yourself. Do yourself a huge favour and think about the good things that happened to you today when you’re about to sleep, and hope for things to be better tomorrow. That’s the least you can do to make yourself feel better about your life. Tell yourself every morning that even after everything, you have it way better than so many people out there. Get out of your bed and go on with your day, even if you have to force yourself into it.

Do whatever you have to do, just don’t tell yourself that you are never going to make it. Because if you do, you have yourself ended all your chances to have a better life. That’s the only difference between you and the people handling life better, they BELIEVE that they’re happy. They can also spend all of their time whining and worrying about their problems, but they decide to actually do something about it. 
It is undoubtedly a tough life, but it is your life after all. You get to choose how to lead it. You are going to face all the hurdles and difficulties anyway, it is your choice whether you want to face them with a positive mind set or a negative one.
